MaBaSoft World Clock CSM is a multi-time clock. It displays your local time, Universal or Greenwich time (UTC) or the current time in a city belonging to a different time zone. Up to 23 frequently used cities can be saved in World Clock menu.
Different time formats and display options are available.
System Requirements
MaBaSoft World Clock Control Strip Module runs on all types of Mac and needs System 7.1.1 or higher.
Finder Scripting Extension, Date & Time control panel and Control Strip control panel have to be installed.
To install MaBaSoft World Clock Control Strip Module, place the file MaBaSoft World Clock CSM in the Control Strip Modules folder in your System Folder and restart your computer.
World Clock Menu Quick Reference
Local Time
• Set Local Time Zone…
Displays the “Set Local Time Zone” dialog box, so that you can define a new local time zone and city. If World Clock is displaying an alternate time, it will switch to local time.
• Open Date & Time
Opens the Date & Time control panel, so that you can change the current time or time zone.
• Show Local Time
Switches from alternate time to local time. When World Clock is displaying the local time, it is disabled.
Alternate Time
• Set Alternate Time Zone…
Displays the “Set Alternate Time Zone” dialog box and lets you define a new alternate time zone and city. World Clock switches to the new alternate city time.
• Show Universal Time (UTC)
Switches to alternate time and displays the current Universal Time (Greenwich Time).
Time Formats
• Show AM/PM
Lets you choose between 24-hour and 12-hour time format.
• Show Seconds
Lets you choose between time with seconds and without seconds.
• Show Weekday
Shows or hides the abbreviated weekday associated to the time shown in World Clock’s display.
• Show City
Shows and hides the name of the city associated to the time shown in World Clock’s display.
Display Options
• Show Icon
Shows and hides World Clock’s icon in World Clock’s display.
• Condense Time Information
If unchecked, city, weekday and time are listed for better readability on a single line in World Clock's display. If checked, city, weekday and time are arranged on two lines, thus reducing the display width.
Using MaBaSoft World Clock CSM
Local Time
World Clock’s local time, local time zone and city are, respectively, your current time, your current time zone and city, as defined in the Date & Time control panel.
How do you set World Clock’s local time? Choose the “Open Date & Time” command in World Clock menu, display the Date & Time control panel and make the desired changes (set a new current time and/or a new current time zone and/or toggle the Daylight Savings Time option).
If you only want to change the current time zone, a shorter way is offered to you: choose the “Set Local Time Zone…” command to display the “Set Local Time Zone” dialog box, select a city in the desired new local time zone and click OK. The changes made in the “Set Local Time Zone” dialog box automatically update the current time and time zone.
World Clock menu displays the name of the current local city in the “Local Time” label. This indication is missing, when the local city was defined in the Map control panel and it is not included in the Date & Time control panel cities list. In this case the “Display City” command is disabled.
Alternate Time
World Clock gives you the possibility of displaying an alternate time zone’s time.
To define an alternate time zone, choose the “Set Alternate Time Zone…” command and display the “Set Alternate Time Zone” dialog box. Select a city in the desired (alternate) time zone and click OK. World Clock will now display the local time in the alternate city and the alternate city’s name will be inserted in the “Alternate Time” label of World Clock menu.
What happens if the city selected in the “Set Alternate Time Zone” dialog box coincides with your current local city? World Clock simply switches back to local time, as if you had chosen the “Show Local Time” command.
Adding Alternate Cities to World Clock menu
When multiple alternate time zones are needed, alternate cities can be added to World Clock menu, so that switching from one alternate time to another is fastest.
To add an alternate city to World Clock menu, select the “Set Alternate Time Zone…” command to display the “Set Alternate Time Zone” dialog box, choose the desired alternate city and check the “Add to menu” option, then click OK.
Let’s suppose you defined Tokyo as alternate city: World Clock menu would now display the “Show Tokyo Time” command, which would cause World Clock to switch to Tokyo local time.
It is possible to add the current local city (let’s say New York) to World Clock menu: the “Show New York Time” command is added to World Clock menu, but it is disabled and World Clock switches to local time. Similarly, if you define a new local city in the Date & Time control panel or in the “Set Local Time Zone” dialog box, which coincides with one of the alternate cities added to World Clock menu, the corresponding command will be disabled.
World Clock gives you the possibility of adding up to 23 cities to its menu. Cities are listed alphabetically in World Clock menu. Notice that the alternate cities list is cleared if you re-install you system software or if a new version of the Date & Time control panel is installed.
Removing Alternate Cities from World Clock menu
To remove an alternate city from World Clock menu, display the menu while pressing the command key. The “Show Tokyo Time” command will be replaced by the “Remove Tokyo Time” command: choose it to remove Tokyo from World Clock’s alternate cities list.
Notice that removing an alternate city from World Clock menu, even if it is the current alternate city, doesn’t affect the time displayed by World Clock.
Universal Time (UTC)
Many professsional (pilots for instance) refer to Universal Time or Greenwich Time as it used to be known.
Universal Time (UTC) can be set as alternate time and displayed by World Clock by choosing the “Show Universal Time (UTC)” command.
When the “Show City” option is checked, the acronym UTC is added to the time displayed by World Clock.
Switching from Local to Alternate Time and Vice Versa
To switch from local time to an alternate time, choose the “Set Alternate Time Zone…” command, select the desired alternate city and click OK. If alternate cities are added to World Clock menu, you can switch from local to alternate time by selecting the command corresponding to one of the added cities. You finally switch from local to alternate time, if you choose the “Show Universal Time (UTC)” command from World Clock menu.
To switch from alternate to local time, choose the “Show Local Time” command or, if you also intend to change the local time zone and city, choose the “Set Local Time Zone…” command, select the new local city and click OK.
A check mark associated to the “Local Time” or “Alternate Time” label indicates whether World Clock is displaying the local time or an alternate time.
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight savings time can be applied to both local and alternate time.
To apply daylight savings time to the local city, choose the “Open Date & Time” command to display the Date & Time control panel or, equivalently, choose the “Set Local Time Zone…” command to display the “Set Local Time Zone” dialog box. Then check the “Daylight Savings Time” option.
To apply daylight savings time to the current alternate city, choose the “Set Alternate Time Zone…” command to display the “Set Alternate Time Zone” dialog box and check the “Daylight Savings Time” option.
The adoption of daylight savings time is indicated in World Clock menu by the suffix “- DTS” added to the local and/or alternate city name in the “Local Time” and/or “Alternate Time” labels.
When daylight savings time is applied to a city which is added to World Clock menu (Tokyo e.g.), the corresponding command becomes “Show Tokyo Daylight Savings Time”. If you want to apply daylight savings time to a city which has been added to World Clock menu, simply display the “Set Alternate Time Zone” dialog box, select the city, check the “Daylight Savings Time” option and add it once more to the menu.
Time Formats
The time information in World Clock’s display can be customized.
The “Show AM/PM” command lets you choose between 24-hour format and 12-hour format, while the “Show Seconds” command gives you the possibility of displaying World Clock’s time with or without seconds.
The “Show Weekday” command adds or removes the abbreviated name of the weekday associated to the displayed time. Weekdays are those indicated in the Date Formats dialog box of the Date & Time control panel. The “Show Weekday” option is particularly useful, when the current alternate time zone is very far ahead (e.g. Tokyo - New York).
The “Show City” command, finally, adds or removes the name of the city associated to the displayed time.
Display Options
Two options for configuring World Clock’s display are offered to you.
The “Show Icon” command shows or hides World Clock’ icon, thus enabling you to reduce the display width.
The “Condense Time Information” command lets you choose between better readability and reduced display width. If unchecked, city, weekday and time are listed on a single line. If checked, they are arranged on two lines.